Sunday, December 30, 2012

It Has Been A Long Time

 2012 was a different type of year - it went very fast and I am not sure where it went. As we are heading for 2013 I want to make an effort to keep up with Dan's blog as well as my own. Even though I feel that we did not accomplish that much in the motobike department, we did do some stuff that had I blogged I would be able to acknowledge right now!
So here goes!!! yesterday we went down to Westchester Lagoon to ice skate. It was warmer here yesterday than it has been for about 4 months, I think it may have been 50 at one brief point. It was windy though so we still had to toggle somewhat. The wind made it interesting as we would move across the ice with no effort one way and then have to really work to skate back against it later on. Couple of times Dan's chair went off sideways and that was interesting/fun. We hope to go out again on new Year's Eve for another skate. Westchester Lagoon is by far the best lake skating one could wish for.
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