Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ice Bumps

The roads were frozen and had ice bumps on them.As you drive down the road the van goes bump bump, then the trailer goes wham! ON and ON, well that is until the frame of the van says " I'm done" and that is what happened the frame fractured. Kevin found some people to weld it, but then realized that it's towing days were over, it would drive, but it would just break again if he tried to tow any further. It was not something one would want to "try" not in this location. So each time he called it was more bad news, more costly bad news.
We hashed out many ideas, some better than others, in the end Kevin rented a UHaul with a dolly for the van and sold the trailer. Even though the cost was killing me, it was the first time on this trip that I did not feel that I had to worry about him any more. All he had to do now was drive.

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